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2024年11月15日-17日 湖南国际会展中心 · 芒果馆

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浙江海亮股份有限公司(以下简称“海亮股份”或“公司”)是海亮集团有限公司控股的中外合资股份有限公司。公司自2001年成立以来,一直致力于高档铜产品(铜管、铜棒、铜管接件、铜导体新材料、铜加工设备等)的研发、生产、销售和服务,公司总资产127.64亿元,为全球最大、国际最具竞争力的铜加工企业之一,为中国最大的铜管、铜管接件出口企业之一,为铜加工行业精细化管理标杆企业。公司于2008年1月16日在深圳证券交易所上市,股票代码:002203。 Zhejiang Hailiang Co., Ltd. (“Zhejiang Hailiang” or “The company”) is the core subsidiary of Hailiang Group, which is also a Sino-foreign joint venture. Since 2001, the company is concentrated on R & D, fabrication, sale and service of top quality copper products (tube, coil, bar, fitting, new electronic material, manufacturing facility and etc.). The company’s total assets is 1.7 billion USD, has become one of the largest and most competitive copper fabrication enterprise in the world. The company is also the largest copper-products exporter in mainland China, the“refined-management”made Zhejiang Hailiang as benchmarking enterprise. The company was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange at 16th January 2008, stock code is 002203. 截至2016年12月31日,海亮股份拥有员工4,658人,总资产127.64亿元,归属于上市公司股东的净资产43.12亿元,资产负债率63.58%。2016年,公司实现营业收入179.17亿元,利润总额6.92亿元,归属于上市公司股东的净利润为5.51亿元。 By the end of December 31th, 2016, Zhejiang Hailiang Co., Ltd. existing 4,568 staff, with total assets worth CNY 12.76 billion, net assets of shareholders worth CNY 4.31 billion, assets liabilities ratio was 63.58%. In 2016, operating income of the company was CNY 17.92 billion, total profit was CNY 692 million, net margin of shareholders was CNY 551 million. 公司核心业务已发展为三大系列(铜管、铜棒和管件;铝型材;导体新材料)、十大主导产品(铜合金管、制冷用空调管、无缝铜水(气)管、精密铜棒、管件、微通道铝扁管、铝型材、铜铝复合材、铜排、脱硫脱硝催化剂)。产品囊括了近百个牌号、数千种规格,广泛用于核电、航空航天、舰船及海洋工程、海水淡化、空调和冰箱制冷、建筑水管、装备制造、汽车工业、电子信息等军工和民用行业。海亮股份近年来不断推出高效能内螺纹铜管、新型铜合金管、环保型无铅精密铜棒等高端产品,使企业的产品结构日趋优化。 Core business of Zhejiang Hailiang has developed as three series: copper tube, bar and fitting; aluminum products and copper-aluminum compound bar, which contains eight series of main products: copper alloy tube, HVAC tube, seamless copper water gas tube, precision copper bar, copper brass fitting, aluminum multi-port extrusion, aluminum profile and copper-aluminum compound bar. The company’s products cover hundreds of alloy numbers and thousands of specifications, are widely used in air conditioning and refrigeration, HAVC, water desalination, nuclear power, thermal power, equipment manufacturing, automotive industry, electrical, transportation, hardware machinery and other industries. In recent years, Zhejiang Hailiang is concentrated on top-grade products, such as high-efficient inner grooved copper coil, new copper alloy tube and environmentally lead-free copper bar, made product structure becoming more and more optimized. 公司拥有浙江、上海、安徽、广东台山、广东中山、越南、泰国七大生产基地,在国内外积累了大批优质稳定的客户,与全球117个国家或地区上千家客户建立了长期业务合作关系,与多家行业一线品牌企业成为战略合作伙伴。企业连续9年荣获浙江省信用AAA级企业,公司是高新技术企业,全国企事业知识产权试点单位,国家级博士后科研工作站设站单位,省级创新型企业,标准创新型企业,拥有浙江省首批省级企业研究院、省级企业技术中心、省级高新技术研发中心、省级重点创新团队,教育部重点实验室“海亮铜加工技术开发实验室”。 Zhejiang Hailiang obtains seven manufacturing bases which are located in Zhejiang, Shanghai, Anhui, Taishan Guangdong province ,Zhongshan Guangdong province,Vietnam and Thailand. The company has accumulated lots of loyal customers, trading with 188 countries and regions, more than 2,000 customers have established long-term business partnership, established strategic partnership with leading enterprises in the industry. The company won “Good Credibility Enterprise” for nine years, obtains several provincial research institutes and innovation teams. “Hailiang Copper Fabrication Techniques Development Laboratory” is a key laboratory of Ministry of Education in China. 创业二十多年来,海亮股份以其一贯务实、创新、高效、卓越、服务、奉献的企业精神,在激烈的市场竞争中站稳脚跟,以“四高”(高技术含量、高品质质量、高价值品牌、高市场占有率)奠定了企业在铜加工行业中的领军地位。海亮股份将不断做精做强,致力于成为引领铜加工行业发展的国际化百年企业。 For?twenty?years’?hard?working,?by?the?spirits?of?pragmatic,?innovative,?efficiency,?brilliant,?service?and?dedication,?Zhejiang?Hailiang?occupied?a?steady?space?in?the?intense?market?competition.High?market?share,?high?brand?value,?high?techniques?and?high?quality?made?the?company?a?leading?position?in?copper?fabrication?industry.? Zhejiang Hailiang will keep growing finer and stronger; devote to becoming an international century enterprise and leading the development of copper fabrication industries.
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